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How to Get Started with HyreCar


Over the past few years, the popularity of HyreCar, a car-sharing service that allows car owners to earn income from their cars as they sit at home, has doubled among Lyft and Uber drivers. The biggest challenge, however, is the approval process. It’s generally challenging to get started on HyreCar.

Often, it’s because drivers do not meet the requirements set by Uber and Lyft. In all truth, this is a smart idea by HyreCar: the stringent rules and regulations bring the element of safety to the business. At the end of the day, it’s all for your benefit as the driver and also for the benefit of the customers.

To ensure that you have a smooth approval process, you should check these FAQs add here are the steps to follow to get started with HyreCar.

1. Decide on a Car

Visit the HyreCar website and look for a car within your budget. On spotting the car of your choice, press the book now button and specify the dates when you want to lease the car. The minimum duration to lease the car is two days. You are free to book up to 10 cars. This is made possible so as to increase your chances of getting approved by car owners. However, you will be charged for the first car you get approval for.

2. Payment Details

Once you get approved by the car owner, HyreCar will request you to provide payment details. If by any chance you will be using a debit card to make the payment, a further $200 will be charged. But don’t worry; the $200 is fully refundable.

3. Background Check

After confirming your booking, HyreCar will run a prompt background check on you. This is crucial to ascertain that everything is in order, and it only takes a couple of hours. It’s also meant for safety reasons as the car owners expect to only issue their cars to responsible drivers.

4. Documentation

After a successful background check and approval by the car owner, you’ll need to obtain three documents that are a requirement from Uber and Lyft:

  • The rideshare insurance
  • A 19 point inspection certificate
  • Vehicle registration certificate

All the three documents are to be received 24 hours before the scheduled pick up. So, you can only pick up a ride-share car from the client if you provide the papers.

5. Vehicle Pickup

As earlier indicated, the documents you uploaded to Uber or Lyft need to be approved before you can pick up the vehicle. On arrival at the pick-up point, you should thoroughly inspect the vehicle to ensure it has no dents or mechanical issues. This will protect you from future liability. If everything is top notch, you are ready to start driving.

When the lease period comes to an end, arrange for a drop point with the car owner. Make sure that the car is in the same condition as when you picked it up. If you so wish, you can extend the lease period by visiting the HyreCar website. Go to the extend lease option to pick your desired extension period.

HyreCar has come to revolutionize the car-sharing industry. It is safe, reliable and convenient. What are you waiting for? Get on HyreCar now!

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